Zak Sandler is originally from Washington DC and currently lives in New York City. He is currently writing a...
Angela Marie Carter is an author, poet, novelist, motivational speaker, and spoken word performer. She is also a visual...
Eric Scott is a career musician from Washington, DC who loves the Redskins, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and...
Lauren Kenney has been a suicide loss survivor for 20 years after her Dad lost his battle with bipolar...
Brandon McCoy is from Lansing, Michigan and has struggled with mental illness his entire life. He lives with bipolar...
Phoebe Lisle is from Leesburg, Virginia and loves photograph and making others happy. She lives with anxiety disorder, bipolar,...
Helen Dennis loves adventure and is always looking for opportunities to travel and explore. She lives her life by...
Lauren Sprague is a singer, preschool teacher, wife and mom. She is working on recovery from major depressive disorder,...
Tshea Skaggs is originally from Arizona, and was born with a rare disability known as Hemischzencephally, meaning “half split...
Jerri Nicole Wright was born in Detroit, Michigan and has lived in Lasing since 1976. She survived a suicide...