Flo Essencee, often referred to as “Flo”, is the CEO of Go With The Flo™ – a media production...
Dr. Pryor possesses over a decade of experience contributing individual and organizational solution-focused coaching techniques and strategies to Higher...
Dhyana Parker, was born in the Washington DC area. She has worked for the Federal Government for over 29...
Cindy Kolbe lives in the Shenandoah Valley and signed her first book contract with a traditional publisher (not self-publishing)...
Suzanne Garverich has worked in public health research mainly focused on reducing barriers to mental health treatment and mental...
Christie Pearl is a daughter, sister, wife, counselor, seeker, singer, encourager, thriver, wilderness walker and grace receiver. After overcoming...
Robin Owens is currently studying songwriting at Berklee College of Music and is minoring in creative writing. When she...
Melissa has been a pediatric nurse for over 20 years. Once ashamed to disclose her struggles with mental illness,...
Nneka Hall has experienced mental illness since she was 9 years old. It took many years for her to...
James Boomhower is a health care provider, activist and mental health advocate. He is a Paramedic, Flight Paramedic, Pediatric...