Ashley is an American who recently hopped on a plane to pursue her dreams of travel, adventure, and science...
Stephen Goldman is a husband, father, and an attorney at a company in the education sector. He’s a latecomer...
Kit Lisle and his wife, Jenny, have two children Phoebe and Beckett. Other than family and work life, Kit...
Jessica Payne is originally from San Francisco, California. She spent 2nd grade on in Western Fairfax until settling down...
Traci Taylor is from Loudoun County, Virginia. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from James Madison...
Niki Lynne Galvin is an aspiring singer/songwriter who lives in Sterling, Virginia. She was diagnosed with anxiety and depression...
Carmine Gothard graduated from Briar Woods High School in Ashburn, VA. She works at the Loudoun Times-Mirror and recently...
Annie Powell lives in Sterling, Virginia with her husband, 5 year old twin boys, and 8 year old daughter....
Andy Gates is an actor who lives in Los Angeles, California with his loving wife and daughter. He suffers...
Richard Brea is a writer and mental health advocate living in Los Angeles, California. He is originally from Massachusetts,...