“What I Wish I Knew” by Mallory Gothelf addresses Depression and Anxiety

Mallory grew up in Owings Mills, Maryland, with what she refers to as her Gotley crew. Her mom, dad, and two older brothers shaped everything from her music taste to her love of corny jokes. She is passionate about writing, participating in sports, dancing in front of her mirror, and cheffing up delicious meals. Mallory feels that being diagnosed with a mental illness forced her to grow up faster than her peers. She felt different and alienated, knowing the course of her life had been altered. However, it was her mental illness that helped shape a different perspective on life, one filled with empathy and understanding for people fighting their own personal battles. It wasn’t until she spoke openly about her mental health that she was able to move forward in her recovery. After viewing This Is My Brave’s impact, Mallory knew this would be an incredible platform for change and wanted to play even a small role in shifting the conversation. She hopes that when people leave this show they have found at least one person who they feel understands, making this world — and this journey — a little less lonely.