Stephen Ksavalkovich shares his piece “Rescuer to Rescued”

For most of his adult life, Stephen was a 911 Paramedic. He also had the honor of serving as a rescue worker at the World Trade Center on 9-11-01 in NYC. He is now grateful to be a man in long term recovery from substance abuse and the effects of childhood and adult trauma. Stephen is proud to be the host and creator of the Rescue the Rescuer show, the only show in the world geared towards first responders who battle mental health issues. His goal is simple: to use his experience to connect, offer hope, and give others a voice.

Stephen shares his story in the This Is My Brave Philadelphia 2018 show.

This Is My Brave Philadelphia 2018

"I use my voice in order to give others the courage to use theirs."

–Stephen Ksavalkovich