Shawn Henfling shares “Saved by Chance”

Shawn Henfling is a writer and photographer currently enrolled at Edinboro State University, pursuing his second master’s degree to become a licensed psychotherapist. He’s been published on Yahoo! Parents, The Mighty, The Good Men Project, and more. He’s a member of his county Suicide Prevention Task Force, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and has been featured in the #NotWeakJustHuman PSA that was shared internationally. Shawn is inspired and touched by the brave people he’s sharing the stage with and hopes his story can do the same for others.

Shawn shares his story in the This is My Brave Philadelphia 2018 show.

This is My Brave Philadelphia 2018

"Remember the celebrities in your life, even the ones who appear the strongest, and reach out to them. That's what saved my life."

–Shawn Henfling