As an educator, Sharon has the opportunity to share recovery at PRN and in community programs that serve people experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges. Her recovery started when she got sober in 1991, but she was not introduced to the possibility of recovery for her mental health challenges until decades later. She’s been married for 27 years to her sweet Sandy and they share a stone cottage with everybody’s favorite dog Bailey. Sharon is from WV but has called Charlotte home for over 30 years. She has over 3 decades of work experience and has earned a Master of Social Work degree. Her hobbies include watching TV and taking long walks to the refrigerator. She wants to share a message of hope and use her experience as an example of how not to do it. Love and laughter are the mainstays of Sharon’s recovery. She is a self-proclaimed serenity junkie and she insists on having fun.
Sharon Galusky shares “Wendy Hill”

"And piece by piece, little by little my heart changed because of hope and because of love."
–Sharon Galusky