Meg Wiechnik performs “Layers”

Meg Wiechnik is a daughter, a sister, an unassuming feminist, a dog lover, a shower singer, a storyteller, a lay philosopher, a marathon walker, an artist, and a person with bipolar disorder. Meg manages a resource helpline at the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts (NAMI Mass) and shares her story of hope and recovery with teachers, students, clinicians, family members and other people who identify with having mental health diagnoses. Meg is so glad you are here listening to the stories of others, so you can go forth and share these stories with people who need to hear them.

Meg shares her story in the This Is My Brave Boston 2017 show.

This Is My Brave Boston 2017

"I am good. I am brave. I am enough. And you are too."

–Meg Wiechnik