Louisa Ikena shares “All Shall Be Well”

Louisa Ikena grew up in Niceville, FL and currently lives in Paoli, PA. She is an aspiring writer and a certified brain injury specialist. Louisa enjoys her job at a group home for people with Traumatic Brain Injuries. She graduated from The Catholic University of America in DC cum laude, witha BA in chemistry and secondary education.  She spent 3 ½ years doing Catholic missionary volunteer work with Native American youth in Tucson, AZ. Louisa enjoys playing the guitar, singing and being in nature.  

Louisa Ikena shares her story in the This Is My Brave Elkins Park 2018 show.

This Is My Brave Elkins Park 2018

"Today I am finding quiet joy. For me this process involves finding balance."

–Louisa Ikena