Johnny Crowder shares his story about stigma and labels

Johnny Crowder is the Founder and CEO of Cope Notes. He shared his story on stage at the Orlando 2018 show. As a suicide/abuse survivor, he spent his formative years searching for resources to help him cope with his mental health issues, ranging from OCD and bipolar disorder to schizophrenia. Crowder’s deeply personal experience with mental illness, university-level education in psychology, and contagious positivity combine to fashion a spirit of advocacy unlike any other. As a touring musician, creative writer, and motivational speaker, Crowder has impacted millions of lives across the globe by de-mystifying taboo psychological principles with levity and wit. After nearly a decade of clinical treatment, volunteer peer counseling, and public advocacy, Crowder now relies on the strategies he shares through Cope Notes to live a happier, healthier life.

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Twitter: @copenotes

This Is My Brave Orlando 2018

"Contrary to popular belief, the people you see as 'sick' are among the strongest humans alive."

–Johnny Crowder