Danielle Fiorello sings “Look In the Mirror”

Danielle Fiorello is 39 years old and currently lives in Bradley Beach, NJ. She was in the 2015 New York City cast of This is My Brave. Music, being Danielle’s first love, has always been a part of her life. She wrote her first song on the piano at the age of 9, and before that, was always singing, dancing, and putting on scenes from Broadway shows with bro James in the living room of their home, costumes and all! Danielle has found extreme healing through music AND This Is My Brave. She is Home again… and Home … is back to the core of her… the person she was always meant to be before trauma took it all away. She just had to Look In The Mirror. 

This Is My Brave New York City 2015

Danielle has found extreme healing through music AND This Is My Brave. She is Home again… and Home … is back to the core of her… the person she was always meant to be before trauma took it all away. She just had to Look In The Mirror.

–Danielle Fiorello