Corey McKnight Raps about Schizophrenia, Depression and Bipolar

Corey McKnight was born and raised in Florida, and has battled with schizophrenia, bipolar and depression for over 17 years. Through the years he has formed a strong bond with the arts and desires to share his gifts and talents with others through different medias. He knows that this battle is a hard one at times so he considers himself to be as the lotus flower climbing through the darkness to bloom without a speck of mud or dirt on it. As the petals open to the glorious sun, so shall one day this life blossom into something beautiful as well.

Corey McKnight shares his rap in the This is My Brave Orlando 2018 show.

This Is My Brave Orlando 2018

"The only thing consistent in life is change, and in change, there are a multitude of sky-rocketing events that can take place. You just have to prepare and then you will be free."

–Corey McKnight