“However, each person’s story is personal, and very many people who I consider friends, acquaintances, and even...
“Self -care became my amour, my most important tool and my surrender to the pain of depression....
“First, participating in the Napa show in 2017 changed my life. For the first time, I was acknowledged...
“In his asking the question, “What is working for you?” He helped me shift my own paradigm.”
“Mental health is such an important thing that needs to appear more in conversations. When I say...
“Most importantly, I want to aid This is My Brave in reducing the stigma of mental illness....
“And the answer is always: no donation is too small. Every dollar makes a difference.” Become a Brave Champion Today!
Today is World Bipolar Day. This Is My Brave alum, Kamilah Holtz shares a little bit of her story...
In November of last year we were awarded a highly competitive Inspiration Grant by Alkermes and after a rigorous...
"There is no reason, in the sense of justification, for the onset of a mental illness. There may be...