A message from our Founder

Dear Brave Family,

I stand in solidarity with the Black community, and especially with our Black alumni, colleagues, donors, advisors, and their families. Our organization adds our voices to the chorus condemning racism and proclaiming that Black Lives Matter. I am heartbroken and outraged by the continuous murders of Black people–including George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and too many others–often at the hands of police officers. This, coupled with the data that COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting communities of color, has further emphasized the systemic racism and unjust disparities in our country.

I created this organization to provide a platform for those who are often silenced, and I recognize that we need to support and share even more stories from the Black community. As a mental health and storytelling organization, we understand not only the value of telling stories, but also of listening. I commit to amplifying the voices of the Black community as well as those of Indigenous people and People of Color through This Is My Brave, knowing that racism, discrimination, and associated trauma have severe affects on mental health.

I am listening, I hear you, and I stand with you. 

We have started where I feel This Is My Brave can have an immediate impact: by shining a light on resources specific to Black mental health. We have updated our resources section of our website to highlight these organizations. This is just a start. If you know of a resource we should be sharing, please email me at: jennifer@thisismybrave.org.

Personally, I know I have a lot of work to do. I have chosen to begin this work by reading How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, and I recommend his work as a great place to start. 

This week our team has been working to begin forming partnerships and collaborations with Black mental health organizations, as there is power in our collective energy. We are grateful to have been welcomed by these organizations and I vow to keep you posted on our progress towards equity.

With love and hope,

Jennifer Marshall

Executive Director & Co-Founder

This Is My Brave, Inc.