Virtual Auditions: ANAD presents This Is My Brave – The Show

ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) is seeking storytellers open to sharing their eating disorder and healing experience via poetry, original music, comedy, essay, art, dance, or other artistic expression.
Video submissions will be accepted through
Friday, October 13, 2024.
To audition, please prepare a short (5 minutes or less) creative piece that shares your lived experience with an eating disorder and your journey of recovery and hope. Auditions for in-person and virtual submissions will be accepted. Videos can be sent to with the subject line, “TIMB Audition Submission”.
Please note that this production is open to anyone struggling with an eating disorder, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background.
ANAD presents This Is My Brave will be live on stage at Northwestern University and live streaming online during Eating Disorder Awareness Week on February 27, 2024. This hybrid event will feature individuals sharing their lived experience with an eating disorder both in-person and via pre-recorded video.
ANAD is excited to partner with This Is My Brave to empower individuals to put their names and faces on their personal stories of healing from eating disorders in order to inspire others to speak openly about their experiences as well.