Acknowledging the support of contributors to This Is My Brave is crucial for building a strong sense of community and gratitude within our organization. We honor those who have generously given and invite others to join in and support our mission. The Legacy Campaign provides a meaningful opportunity for individuals to contribute and leave a lasting impact on the organization, ensuring its continued success in changing people’s lives by breaking down the stigma of mental health and substance use conditions. #StorytellingSavesLives

Brave Benefactor
Rose-Marie van Otterloo
Brave Advocate
Susan Kesey
Stuart and Limor Smith
Brave Friend
Lisa Janes**
Jessica Kennedy**
Brave Supporter
- Lorna Simon
- Michael Hogan**
- Donna Lewis
- Michelle Saint-Germain**
- Joanne Elder**
- Anne Taylor**
- Theresa Logan**
- Nita Sweeney**
- Michelle Crozier**
- Jenny Schoning**
- Dana Schmidt**
- Christine Khoury**
- Jami Clark**
- Suzanne Garverich**
- Nikki Derome**
- Beth Starck**
- Jane Spell**
- Theresa Valero
- Erica Deputy
- Stevanne Mills**
- Suzanne Mallamo**
- Anne Rothrock Burkekirby**
- Ryan Eppehimer**
- Laurel Edinburgh**
- Kelly Albers**
- Lois Abbott**
- Erin Gallagher**
- Joe Grana
- John Kearney
- Candice Catrina**
- Alevia & Rob Colwell
- Lura Fischer**
- Siobhan Lawson**
- Jaime Howe**
- John Kollmeier
- Ned Hoskin
- Aaliyah Ogletree**
- Arline Fawcett**
- Lauren Blauw
- Jodi Hardiek
- Kathy Black
- Jane & Dave Novosel
- Rich & Cindy Bielik
- Team Relevé
- Rose Serno
- Hailey Radakovitz
- Margaret Radakovitz
- Sandra Radakovitz
- Rhonda McGinnis
- Jennifer Morand
- Ilana Hutzler
- Noah Shulman
- Lynn Ferguson
- Renita Quirls
- Rhonda Olivares
- Phil & Brenda Kizzee
- Peggy Grubb
- Laura Kerfin
- Christine Magdziarz
- Brad Rostron
- Kevin Devone
- Alevia Colombell
- Claude Jones, Jr
- Ellwyn Andres
Donor levels are as of 2024 and will be updated quarterly.
**Denotes Brave Champion (recurring donor of at least $10/month).
All Time Donor Recognition
Those listed below are being recognized for their giving levels accumulated over the first ten years of Brave (2014-2024)
Brave Benefactor
Rose-Marie van Otterloo
Anne Abramson
Stuart Smith
Brave Patron
- Lisa Janes
- Susan Kesey
- Peter Howell
- John Burke
- Arvind Ethan David
- John Howell
- Marvin O’Quinn
- Brian Wallenhorst
Brave Advocate
- Cathy Merrill
- Brad Handy
- Patricia Challenger
- Jessica Kennedy
Brave Ally
Aaron Burkhardt
Adam Bromberg
Aimee Shadwick
Alevia Colombell**
Alex Smith-Michaels
Alexander Frank
Amy Prout
Amy Wasserman
Anne Taylor**
Ari Drosman
Arlene Saryan
Arvind Ethan David
Ashley McGee
Becky Jascoviak
Cecile Munoz
Charise Dunn
Charli Proto
Christine Khoury**
Christy Evans
Claudia Matteo
Corey Lowe
Craig Janes
Craig Romanok
Cynthia Sampson
Daryn Allday
Deborah Carmichael
DivcoWest Real Estate Services
Donna Lewis**
Doreen Gentzler
Ed V Quinn
Elise Dubois
Erin Recachinas
Erin Troia
Fidelity Charitable
Fred Grubb
Gretchen Kind
Hayley Sherwood
James Adkins
James Decapite
Janet Johnson
Jeanne Marklin
Jennifer Marshall
Jenny Schoning
Jessica Wadsworth
Jill Techel
Jodi Prohofsky
Joe Grana
Jonora Jones
Judy Morley
Julia Babcock
Julie Stark
Karen Cakouros
Karen Krulac
Karen Smith
Kasey Maher
Kristine Haataja
Kristine Trustey
LaGenia Bailey
Lauren LaPorte**
Linda Killi
Lindsay Drew
Lois Abbott**
Madelyn Katz
Marcia Cooper
Margaret Rutherford
Mark Komrad
Matthew G
Melissa Baker
Melissa Brown
Melissa Nolan
Meredith Hovan
Michael Hogan**
Michelle Saint-Germain**
Molly Ann Woods
Myeisha Peguero Gamiño
Nancy S Crawford
Natalia Goodwin
Nicole Harrison
Patricia Mcmartin
Pete Decapite
Rachel Thrasher
Ric Waldman
Russell Chapman
Ryan Eppehimer
Sara Lurie
Stevanne Mills**
Stewart & Tammy Bertron
Storm Noble
Susan Fordice
Suzanne Garverich
Suzanne Mallamo**
Tatyana Likerman
Teresa Zimmerman
Theresa Logan**
Tish and Curt Marshall
Wendy Shattuck
Xenia Gramata