Are you looking for a way to get more involved, and to help end the stigma surrounding mental illness?
One in five Americans experiences a mental illness in any given year. Mental illness is common, but speaking about it is not.
At This Is My Brave, we believe in the power of telling your story. We believe it can change lives. We believe it can save lives.
If you believe and want to be part of the change today, please consider becoming a sustaining supporter by joining as a Brave Champion today. For as little as $10 per month, you can make a lasting difference in our fight to end stigma. The choice to join is up to you!
Our Brave Champions help extend This Is My Brave’s reach, allowing us to create new shows each year, giving voice to hundreds of people to share their stories.
Testimonials from Current Brave Champions

“This Is My Brave’s message is clear. If we all talk openly about our struggles with mental illness, one day it will no longer require bravery to admit to living with mental illness. Awareness and compassion change everything.”
– Gretchen Kind, M.D., Brave Champion
“After my show in 2015, I wanted to help. I wanted to do more. And then I received the email to become a Brave Champion, and I thought, “Perfect. I can afford $10 a month.” It’s about 33 cents a day to help an organization that helped me so much, and I feel like $10 a month isn’t even enough to pay them back.”
– Joe Fusaro, Brave Champion and Storyteller

“Participating in the Napa show in 2017 changed my life. For the first time, I was acknowledged for who I am, not in spite of my mental illness, but because I chose to speak up about it. For years, I felt I had to hide an important part of me from family, friends, and especially colleagues at work. But now I can accept myself as a whole human being, whether riding with my bicycle club or playing with my new puppy Kiah or telling people about This Is My Brave.”
– Michelle Saint-Germain, Brave Champion and Storyteller