Share your Story

Raise your voice with us. Be brave. Share your story to inspire change.

We know how brave you are to make it through each day managing your mental illness. We want others to understand where we’ve been, how hard we fought {and continue to fight} to make it through this thing called life, and how desperately we want to change the way the world views mental illness and addiction.

We can’t do it alone. This Is My Brave was founded on the concept of sharing personal stories. People who believed in us shared their stories here before we found our inaugural cast. Supporters jumped into our #BraveChat conversations on Twitter because they wanted to be heard. You can join us. You don’t necessarily have to get up on stage in front of a live audience to share your story. Our blog is a virtual stage where you are encouraged to add your voice and show the world the power of your brave.

If This Is My Brave has encouraged you to be more open about your journey with mental illness and/or addiction, we would love to hear from you. Send us your essays, your poems, your songs. Tell us about your recovery journey in your own creative way. Not a complete start-to-finish book, but a peek into your life with mental illness and how it has affected you. Share with us how you found hope. How you found your brave, so that others can find theirs.

  • YouTube link is the preferred format for music submissions 
  • Written pieces 750-1,000 words 
  • Include a 3-5 sentence bio with your submission

Feel free to include a photo or two with your submission, if you would like. If your piece is selected for publication, we will reach out to request them. Send your submission using our Contact Us form below.

(Please note: we only accept previously unpublished work, with rare exceptions. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to respond personally to every submission.)

Share your Story

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.