Brave the Storm 2021

Virtual 5k

June 11-13, 2021

This Is My Brave is excited to announce our second annual Brave the Storm 5K to take place the weekend of June 11-13, 2021. Please mark that weekend in your calendars now but also take note of our new vision for this event. We invite you to join us in the Brave the Storm Movement now– we encourage you to Register TODAY! When you do, you will join a movement of individuals who are committed to staying active in their lives today, tomorrow, next week and in the months ahead leading up to Brave the Storm 2021.

We at This Is My Brave know that things are tough right now — it’s winter and we are still facing restrictions to our daily lives as a result of COVID-19. Now, more than ever, we need to focus on self-care for the sake of our mental health. 

We know that, for many of us, physical activity is an important self-care tool that contributes to our mental well-being. So let’s get moving! Sign up for Brave the Storm 2021 and then commit to making physical activity a priority in your weekly routine. 

We’ll offer you some simple tools to track your activities and connect with others in the process. We’ll also encourage you through blog posts on our website and updates in our newsletter. Then we’ll all gather virtually to celebrate our hard work and personal accomplishments in June! 

We are excited to do this with you! Register Now to run, walk, hike, bike or swim a 5k in the location of your choice in June and to get started with the Brave the Storm 2021 movement right now!

Registration is free for the Brave The Storm 5k, with the option to donate and fundraise for This Is My Brave.  T-shirts are coming soon. 

All participants will be e-mailed a print-at-home bib to wear while completing the 5k. 

We encourage participants to use your social media platforms to :

  • SHARE with friends and family about your registration for Brave the Storm 2021 and invite them to join you!
  • DOCUMENT your efforts to incorporate movement into your routine for the sake of your well-being in hopes of inspiring others to do the same! When you do, use the hashtag #BraveTheStorm21 and tag us @thisismybrave
  • FUNDRAISE on behalf of This Is My Brave — we always appreciate your support. Funds that you raise help us to continue our work of bringing stories of mental illness and substance use disorder out of the shadows and into the spotlight in order to reduce stigma and give hope to those who need it.

How to Fundraise:

We appreciate all efforts to fundraise for This Is My Brave to help us continue to our vitally important work.  You can fundraise by setting up your own personal fundraising page.

As part of our gratitude, we will be offering the following incentives for our fundraisers:

  • Raise $250– you will receive a This Is My Brave care package thanking you for your efforts!
  • Raise $500- you will receive a This Is My Brave care package and This Is My Brave mug thanking you for your efforts!
  • Raise $1,000– you will receive a This Is My Brave care package, This Is My Brave mug, and This Is My Brave sweatshirt thanking you for your efforts!

Sign up TODAY to receive your Print-at-Home #BraveTheStorm21 Race Bib and join us as we run/walk/hike/bike/swim for mental health!