Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Hello Brave Community! It’s Program Manager Katie here again with the 2021 This Is My Brave Holiday Gift Guide! Maybe this year still doesn’t look like life pre-pandemic, but I’m hoping that the holidays will be a time where we can all take a break and truly enjoy who and what we have. I hope that families can be reunited that haven’t been together for extended periods of time, and I hope that everyone is gentle with themselves and their mental health now more than ever. This year’s gift guide is a little less specific but just as fun as last year’s as I focus more on brands and shops that DO GOOD – so hopefully you can find something for everyone on your list with a little help from This Is My Brave. Almost every business featured is either female / minority owned or has a give back factor because, well, it’s really important to elevate these products. Have fun shopping, and be sure to tag us and let us know if any of your gifts were big hits!

Conscious Step

I love socks. I never thought I would get to the point in my life that socks were a favorite thing of mine, but here we are. I love them and what they allow people to express about themselves. In fact, my family has a long-standing tradition of a Christmas Sock Exchange – so if you’re looking for something fun to do with your 30+ year old family members, the sock exchange is a BIG HIT! Anyway – this year I found Conscious Step. They initially caught my attention due to their partnership with The Trevor Project with their Socks that Save LGBTQ Lives. Absolutely – please let me buy all of the socks! But then! Once I did some more digging – I found out they support SEVERAL other causes as well! With 17 major causes that they donate to with YOUR purchase, there HAS to be something for EVERYONE on your list! I just love gifts that give back. It’s like a double whammy – give an awesome gift and support a cause all at the same time. WIN!

A Kids Company About

Ok ok, I’ll admit that my social media feeds brought this next company to my attention, but sometimes ads are helpful – and in this case, I’m all in! As soon as I opened up the A Kids Company About website, I knew this had to be part of the Holiday Gift Guide. This Is My Brave has spent a lot of time this year talking about youth mental health – and this company provides amazing products to start those conversations with the upcoming generations. They have OVER 70 BOOKS covering HARD topics in a kid-friendly way! How could you NOT stock up on these?! From racism, to mental health, to disabilities, to gender – there is “A Kids Book About” nearly everything. FIVE STAR GIFTING RIGHT HERE! They also have podcasts and classes – so basically the whole website is a gift just to look through and think “wow…we are headed in the right direction!” If you want to learn a little more, check out the backstory from the note on the website written by Jelani Memory, Founder & CEO.

Don’t Give Up Movement

Have you seen the signs? No, really! Have you seen the signs in your neighborhood? (And maybe the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health?) We first noticed them in 2019 – and mind you, two of us are in Virginia and one of us is in Missouri! But they definitely caught our attention, and we needed to know more! The Don’t Give Up Movement was created in 2017 by one family in Oregon wanting to make a difference because of alarmingly high suicide rates in their community. As the movement grew, so did the motivation. Amy Wolf sells these simple yet stop-you-in-your-tracks signs AT COST – meaning she isn’t making a profit. She’s added to her collection, too with magnets, stickers, bracelets, tattoos – you name it! What’s even more exciting? You can now purchase items in Spanish as well! GIFT THESE TO EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! Plant the signs in yards, and KEEP IT GOING! And for even more inspiration, check out the book she wrote about the movement, Signs of Hope. We love what you are doing Amy, and we will be reaching out in 2022!

Til Valhalla Project

Do you have a veteran on your list this year? 2021 has been tough on our veterans, so a meaningful gift can go a long way in letting them know they are valued. I first learned about Til Valhalla when a veteran friend of mine proudly purchased and wore one of their shirts about PTSD awareness. He gave me a wink, and we recognized a moment of pride and surrender. What’s awesome about Til Valhalla? Not only is it veteran-owned but they do A LOT to give back to the veteran community and their families. Take a look through their collections of t-shirts, hoodies, drinkware, and more and know that your purchase is giving back to a very important community. 22 a day is 22 too many. Thanks Til Valhalla Project for supporting our heroes.


I’m not the only one who is still on the dress to be comfortable train from the pandemic, am I? I mean yes, we’ve had to put on real clothes this year, BUT I think that we’ve realized that comfort and style can co-exist. Either way, Aerie has become a go-to for me while working from home (even though I worked from home prior to the pandemic!). Full of cozy fabrics, soft colors, and size-inclusive pieces, I’ve always been an Aerie fan. And then – with the theme of this list – I was even more excited when I found out that Aerie gives back, TOO! It takes a little digging, and it’s not necessarily a purchase to donation set up, but they do partner with several organizations such as NEDA, Darkness to Light, and Crisis Text Line to name a few. Aerie promotes body positivity, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility, so you can be OH SO COZY in knowing that your purchase does support the greater good.


When Jenn, Erin, and I met up in Virginia for our National Teen Show at Floris UMC (aka our first stage show post-pandemic!), Erin surprised us each with a special little bottle labeled Chill The F* Out™. I was immediately enamored with the name alone – obviously. Now credit to Erin – she is really good about the products she uses and puts into her body, so I knew this wasn’t some ramped up drink additive that was going to over-promise while hurting my system. Instead, Apothekary uses all-natural (like actually all natural), plant-based ingredients to craft their ‘farmacy‘ items. CEO & Founder Shizu Okusa – a woman to watch – takes her product development very seriously, and the ingredient lists are proudly listed on the products. From stress reduction to mental clarity, Apothekary has several gift-worthy items to look through. And let me tell you – sitting down with a warm mug of Chill The F* Out immediately reminds you not to take life so seriously.

*Natural supplements often have many benefits to your mental and physical health, but be sure to speak with your medical provider regarding any potential negative reactions that could occur.

The Art of Fun

I was walking through Target over the summer, and all of a sudden – a children’s book caught my eye. The brightly colored cover with the words “You Matter” in red literally called for me to pick it up, so I darted right towards it. After reading it in the aisle with tears in my eyes, I bought two as gifts for two special little ones in my life. It’s a beautiful statement of worth for anyone and everyone, and our world could use that reminder right now. Christian Robinson, an illustrator, author, animator, and designer, is the brains (and heart) behind the book, and this is just one of 70 products he has available in the Christian Robinson for Target Collection. Gifting for a child or adult – this book (and his many others) should be in every home this year. PS – be sure to follow him on Instagram @theartoffun

Lotus and Luna

When holiday gift shopping, you often encounter that person on your list that you just don’t know what to buy for them. When this happens to me, I try to think “What is something special that they wouldn’t necessarily buy for themselves?” That’s where places like Lotus and Luna come in! I love gifting (and getting) dainty jewelry pieces with meaning, and Lotus and Luna has so many bracelets, necklaces, and other totally giftable items to choose from. With a commitment to helping women escape the cycle of poverty in Northern Thailand, Lotus and Luna provides fair and consistent employment to each artisan who handcrafts their products. I promise your gift recipient will LOVE their new artisan-crafted piece of jewelry!


One of my favorite things to do with my niece is to take her to Build-A-Bear. I think I enjoy the process just as much (if not more) than she does! There’s just something about customizing your stuffed furry friend that makes it that much more special, and maybe it makes me feel like a little kid again. New to Build-A-Bear (online only) this year is the Worry-Free Bear. Not only is Worry-Free Bear completely adorable and huggable, but it has a special pocket on its paw for holding a small piece of paper. Kids can write their worries or anxieties down and place it in the bear’s paw, so the bear can carry their worries for them. Isn’t that the sweetest thing? Such a great reminder for a little kid that they are not alone. And – benefits to parents – it can be a great conversation starter to understand what’s going on in your kiddo’s life.

Also! Don’t forget to SHOP LOCAL! Wherever you’re located – your local restaurants, book stores, boutiques, and coffee shops need YOUR support to continue thriving in your communities. Grab some gift cards, and hand them out as last minute gifts or stocking stuffers. Your purchases will be greatly appreciated. Stay Brave this holiday season, and be sure to make yourself a priority. We’re always rooting for you.


Katie, Jenn, and Erin