Alli Hoffman shares her story about Anxiety

Alli Hoffman is a mom to an incredibly joyful daughter, Penelope, whom she calls Poppy, and a wife to a very supportive husband, Mark. They have lived in Arlington, Virginia for nine years, and both work for the government. Alli was fearful of being a mom at first, having dealt with anxiety her whole life – always being the “scared” and “freaked out” one in the group and in her family.  She heard about This Is My Brave through a friend who had been in the first DC show, and the words “I think you should auditionnnnn” echoed in her head ever since.  Alli hopes the words she shares help people in the audience feel like they’re not alone.

Alli shares her story about anxiety in the This Is My Brave DC-area show in 2017.

DC-area 2017

"You're here now, and that's all that matters."

–Alli Hoffman