Guest Post by Tamesha Brown: Crowned Bipolar

My name is Tamesha Brown and I’m from the country Jamaica. I’ve been living with mental illness since I was 14 years old. I’m from a culture where we don’t talk about it. I remember at 14, I told my dad I wanted to see a therapist. His response was sending me to boarding school. In his eyes he did not believe I should be discussing family issues with anyone, even though it was more than that.

I have attempted suicide many times but still did not want to take medications because of the stigma behind it. I was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2009 and even though I was seeing a therapist and getting medication, I was still in denial. During the years after that I was a total mess because I stopped taking my medications and stopped going to therapy.

Back in May of this year I had a total meltdown. I was depressed, suicidal, and having awful panic attacks. I checked myself into a rehabilitation for mental illness, and it was the best thing I ever did. I finally, as they say, had my “Coming to Jesus moment.” I got the help I needed: the right medications and the right therapist.

I also decided to launch a Facebook page called Crowned Bipolar to bring awareness. I must say some of my family members are against it, even my own mother. She thinks that I will never get a job because “no one hires crazy people.” I must say it hurts and I cried. Then I realized that if my page can help one person, then it’s worth it.

I started sharing my story and volunteer at different organizations. I feel like this is my purpose in life and I want to make a difference. Back in my country, there are hardly any resources to assist the mentally ill and most of them end up dying by suicide or they become homeless. I want to change this and I am working on the changes. Just getting people to talk about it is a start.


About the Author 

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica and I’m the youngest of 5 children. I’m 36 years young, love to travel and experience different cultures. I’ve lived in many states and am currently living in Charlotte, NC. I also enjoy being in the outdoors and reading romance novels. I’m currently attending college to complete my undergrad degree in Business Administrations (this is 16 years in the making.) I’m an advocate, supporter and a warrior for mental illness. I live my life with absolutely no regrets in sharing my story to help others.


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